Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Chapter 68

We all stood up desperate to hear what the doctor had to say. I could see from the look on his face that it was not good news.

“I am sorry but unfortunately Gillian passed away a few moments ago, we did everything we could…”

I didn’t hear anymore of what the doctor said, I found my knees buckling again and thankfully there was a chair to catch my fall, I put my head in my hands and cried.

I have no idea how long I was like that for when I heard the door to the room opening and the nurse coming in.

“I know this is hard Mr Crosby but your son needs to eat, we have made up a formula bottle, would you like to try to give it to him?” She spoke to me softly, her tone comforting.

When I looked around the room I noticed everyone was gone.

“Where is everyone?” I asked still sobbing.

“Everyone is the waiting room where you saw the team. They would all like to see you but wanted to give you your space.

“Why don’t you try to feed little Paul and I will go and tell everyone that you will be along in about half an hour. Would you like something to eat?”

I shook my head no, “Thank you any way, you have been so kind, what is your name?”

“My name is Margaret.” She smiled at me and handed me the bottle and left the room.

I gently picked up Paul and tempted him with the warm bottle, to my surprise he took it first time and seemed to enjoy it. I even managed to burp him first time, I was so proud of myself.

I slowly sat up and prepared myself to go and see everyone, trying to unsuccessfully make the constant flow of tears stop. I just felt so empty, now I can understand how Gill felt when she lost her husband Paul.


mare said...

awww, so whats gonna happen now? is the story gonna end?

gilld22 said...

Its not over yet... keep an eye out for another update before the week is out.

Thanks for following and your lovely comments.

Anonymous said...


Lauren said...

No! She can't be dead - he's dreaming, right?