Monday, 12 January 2009

I'm soooo excited...!!!

I just wanted to share my excitement with you all - I am coming to Pittsburgh on holiday and I am going to the Igloo!!! Hoping to go to the Flyers game and also the Flames game at the end of March and I cannot wait.

I still have to get game tickets and hotels booked so if any of you can help me then I will be forever indebted to you. I am also hoping to go to a practice session when I am there - does anyone know how do I find out when the practice is open?

I will be sure to post my pictures (if I can figure out how to do it) and will let you know all about my experiences in the Mellon Arena.

Anyway I just wanted to share that with you.

I will hopefully start posting my new fiction story by the end of the week or the start of next at the very latest. Again if anyone has any preferences about my story then please let me know.

Hope you are all well, take care girls.


Lauren said...

Gill that is so exciting! You are going to have such a great time!

Expect an email from me soon! :)

Anonymous said...

I actually live in Pittsburgh. I always find my tickets on e-bay... and I'm not to sure about hotels because I never really look for them... also practices at Southpointe which is about an hour outside of the burgh are always open and you can find that schedule at then click on calander... hopefully this helps anything else you can email me at I go to just about every home game....